Forum Topic - P365 - Day 5 - 1/05/11

User Post
Lisa J.
Posted at 4:46 AM, Jan 05, 2011

Good morning!  (if you are looking for the previous four days posts they are under the PHOTOGRAPHY topic - this one was created yesterday and the future Project 365 comments will be located here!)

Here is a great idea for those of you who have young children and especially babies - to help photograph and document that first precious year!  Remember that just because you can BUY these, doesn't mean you can't MAKE your own.  I just thought it was a super fun idea and wanted to share it with you.  These little stickers help document what month they are turning, and it's just a fun little addition to your photo collection!

If you are taking a photo a day, you will have a great record of all those little tiny subtle changes that take place a moment at a time in that first year.  But don't forget that older children change too, and when you look at photos from last Christmas, don't you see it???  Try to fill in the gaps with some photos of all the kids, or grandkids during those in between time!

So, here is today's little tidbit!  Hope you like it!

Have a HAPPY SCRAPPY DAY... and don't forget to make a memory today!

Lisa J.