Forum Topic - Kits get Large!

User Post
Posted at 4:41 PM, Jan 07, 2011

I'm just getting started and began looking at kits.  Don't those megagytes start adding up quick?  Does MMS work okay if I store them on an external drive?  And will it be able to find them?


Lisa J.
Posted at 5:31 AM, Jan 08, 2011

Yes, the kits do tend to add up quickly and take up space for sure.  You can store your whole program on MMS and run it from there.  I have done that in the past.  Now I have all my MMS stuff on my computer and all my "outside content" that is purchased from other sites on my external harddrive.  But you can judge how it will work best for you based on what size hard-drive you have on your computer.  A lot of people store their albums on an external harddrive for space reasons.

Please email me if you need more help or information!  Thanks for the question!

Lisa J.

[email protected]