Forum Topic - P365 1/08/2011

User Post
Lisa J.
Posted at 5:41 AM, Jan 08, 2011

Good morning!  ONE WEEK DOWN!!  You have done GREAT - even if you've missed a day or two, if you've gotten started, you've done great!  It is not a project with rules.  That's the great part - you make it work for YOU.  Take photos when you can.  It really is just about sharing your story with those in your family and preserving it for those that either live far away, or will come after you.  It's about capturing the life you life in between the big days.  It's about remembering the special blessings that come in the ordinary things in our lives.  It's about trying to remember to focus and appreciate it all.  

Remember the day that you walked in and your 3 year old daughter had literally created a snowstorm in your bedroom with a container of baby powder??? (Oh, wait... that was me!) I will have that memory forever, but I don't have a photo. :-(  She is 20 now, and we still laugh about it from time to time... but I'd give anything to have a picture of her innocent little face, when she told me, "Mommy, I made it snow in your room!" :-)  

Take the time to take the photo.  It only takes a second.  You don't need a fancy camera - you just need the desire to capture the moment.

So... keep up the good work if you've gotten 7 photos in your folder! If you don't NO WORRIES - this isn't supposed to be a project that stresses you out - it's supposed to make you happy!  Take a moment today to think about what you want to do with the photos now that you have them.  Do you want a page to hold all the photos for the week - or maybe you'll choose a calendar layout and drop each picture in the block for that day!  There are TONS of ideas - you pick which one works for you!

Have an amazing Saturday... and don't forget to make a memory today!

Lisa J.

[email protected]

Jessica Creedon
Posted at 4:41 PM, Jan 11, 2011

Lisa, What an awesome story!  I have had that same scenario in my house...except with baby wipes.  You just reminded me that someday I will laugh about it...... Thanks! Jessica