Forum Topic - *P365 - 1/10/2011

User Post
Lisa J.
Posted at 7:15 AM, Jan 11, 2011

Hi all!  Hope all is going well for you and you are keeping on track with your project, in whatever way you have started to let it take shape.  One of the great things about a project undertaking like this, is that you get to really stretch the limits of your photographic knowledge and try new things!  I mean you another photo to take every day, right???  So, do some research, see if you can find some photos that you really love the way they look and see if you can determine how they were done.  There is a TON of information just for the asking out on the internet about how to create better photographs.  But, like any new skill - it requires some research, some learning and some practice.  It will not always just happen.  You didn't learn all your new scrapping skills by accident, did you??? Nope, you bought a program (or got super lucky and won it!) or someone gave it to you.  But you had to open it, install it, play around with it to learn it.  You might have even attended a workshop, or read the manual!  My point is, it took a little work, a little effort and a little time!  All of those things though, have been worth the effort!  Look how far you've come... look what you can create now, that you couldn't before!  It's awesome to be able to look at something amazing, something special and say, "I did that".  It's a proud moment for sure.

The same thing is true with our photos.  If we want to take better photographs... we need to learn how.  Now, if you have the luxury of popping out and buying a few thousand dollars worth of camera equipment, that's great.  But a more expensive camera will NOT guarantee great photos - and a cheap camera does not guarantee lousy pictures.  You can take bad pictures with the most expensive camera, or GREAT pictures with  a pocket point n' shoot.  You need to learn HOW.  Now, there will be limitations to what you can accomplish sometimes, sure, but you can do great work, no matter what kind of camera you have - even with the camera on your phone!

So... get out there and Google, search, read!  You can find great resources, either at a cost or free... you can read articles and stalk other photography websites for help and information.  Find some blogs that share "Mommy Photography" tips and tricks.  Find a photographer you LOVE and find your inspiration - develop your own style.  You CAN do it - you CAN get better than you are now!  It just takes a committment and a time and practice!  And you have 350+ days left this year to do it!

Well... what are you waiting for, stop reading and get going!  Share some of the resources YOU find here, so everyone else can check it out too! 

Have an amazing day... and don't forget to make a memory today (and photograph it!)

Lisa J.

[email protected]

Jessica Creedon
Posted at 4:25 PM, Jan 11, 2011

Awesome points, Lisa!!!!  I think we forget how many photos that the Pros take that we never see because they just didn't come out very good!  We will never get very good at our photography skills if we wait for the perfect moment to snap that shot....we have to take LOTS of them and often!!!
