Forum Topic - *P365 - 1/11/11

User Post
Lisa J.
Posted at 7:31 AM, Jan 11, 2011

Wow!  1/11/11 today!  Cool!  January is in FULL swing now and some of the country is getting blasted with some pretty crazy winter weather!  Make sure to document your world - what does it look like - see if you can get a picture that shows what it "feels" like!  Just keep a running log of what you are up to and all those daily moments that string together to create the story of our lives!

Yesterday, I mentioned some ideas to help you get on the program of concentrating and learning to take better photographs.  I suggested findind some sites that will assist you in that journey.  You don't need a big, fancy camera - but if you are considering a new camera, it's good to learn a little bit about it so you will go in as an informed shopper an not buy  more than you need.

Sites like this Digital Photography School are great resources for TONS of free information and help you learn a lot about what you want to know without spending a dime!

So, check it out and see what you think!  I would love for some of you to share YOUR sites, YOUR resources, and YOUR finds with us, so we can all learn together!  I'd love to hear from you as to what tools you are finding helpful on your journey through this calendar year and this journey to becoming a better historian!

Have a great day (don't freeze if you are in the cold parts of the country!) ... and don't forget to make a memory today!

Lisa J.

[email protected]

Jessica Creedon
Posted at 4:26 PM, Jan 11, 2011

Love the DPS stuff!  Sign up for their is free and worth the read!
