Forum Topic - *P365 1/17/2011

User Post
Lisa J.
Posted at 12:31 PM, Jan 19, 2011

Hi again! How's the project coming along? Are you still trying to get at least one photo or image in your book or on a page each day?  Are you able to stay inspired and choose something you want to remember for each day??? Sometimes I have found it hard to stay focused and on track - and just shoot SOMETHING!  If you are finding it challenging, maybe that's good - maybe it will make you focus more on the little things around you.  Look at the area where you are right now.  What is the most meaningful little thing, trinket, rememberance, photograph, or knick-knack in your sight right now?  Have you recorded that, and the story behind it?  Remember, there will come a day when you are not here to tell everyone that story.  Remember how much it means to you to know the details behind what makes that little item - probably without value to anyone else... special to you.  Was it a gift from someone dear who's not hear any more?  Did it commemorate a special occasion?  Did you just like it and treat yourself?  Snap a picture and do a bit of journaling about it and why you love it.

I look around my desk and see all kinds of special things to me - one day I will photograph them all - each and every one and why it's here and why I love it... but today... I'll pick just one.  YOU pick one too!  Picture of the day!  Simple as that!  Don't forget to look close to you when looking for your inspirations!  It can be within arms reach!

Hope you have a wonderful day... and don't forget to make a memory today!

Lisa J.

[email protected]