Forum Topic - *P365 1/18/11

User Post
Lisa J.
Posted at 12:38 PM, Jan 19, 2011

Hi again!  How's your project coming along???  Today, I want to remind you that you DON'T HAVE TO LEARN IT ALL IN A DAY, or even a month, or even this year!  If you don't have a big fancy camera, or if you do have one and don't know what in the heck all those dials and settings mean, don't be too hard on yourself!  Remember that there is "auto" on your camera for a very good reason!  You have taken a zillion pictures on auto your whole life - sure they're not always fabulous, but they are still photos, and when you look at them (except the ones where someone's head gets cut off) you can usually still tell who it is and remember the day you took it!   It doesn't have to be a GREAT photograph to preserve the memory - it JUST HAS TO BE A PHOTOGRAPH!  No one will come along behind you and grade your work... no one ever going to say... "you know, that's the worst picture ever taken -I'm sorry you snapped it".  They are usually just going to be grateful that someone was there with a camera.  If you forgot your camera at a fun day in the park and snapped a few shots on your phone - you still have those pictures, even if they're not perfect.  The photos don't have to be amazing to still be important and precious and treasured.  It's about capturing and remember the moment.  So... to quote Nike, just DO IT!  Don't ever let your lack of expertise with your camera keep you from capturing that snippet of history in YOUR family's story.

Here's a great article I found about remembering WHY your camera has auto settings!  Check it out!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday... and don't forget to make a memory today!

Lisa J.

[email protected]