Forum Topic - *P365 1/30/11

User Post
Lisa J.
Posted at 1:09 PM, Feb 04, 2011

Hi girls (and any gentlemen out there!)  When we start to get serious about our photographs and start to focus on creating better pictures, it's easy to get overwhelmed and carried away with all the INFORMATION and stuff there is to learn and do.  In a chat with our own Pro Photo Mary this week at  I was griping about not being able to get the lighting right in some photos I had taken over the weekend at my daughter's birthday lunch.  We were indoors, and the pictures were with her cake, so the lighting was harder for me.  It's my biggest (well, that and remember where I have my focal point set!) frustration with creating better pictures, because I just can't always get it right.

Mary reminded me that the important thing is NOT how you create the picture, or how perfect it is, but just to have it.  It's okay to grab the point and shoot camera, it's okay to shoot on "auto" - just get the picture.  Don't let taking the photograh OF the moment, ruin the moment!  And when you look back at that photo, celebrate it, okay, learn from it if it's less than stellar - but think of how priceless those old photos are where someone's head got cut off, but you can see their big bright smile - just take the picture!  Got it???  Good!

Remember to have fun...and don't forget to make a memory today!

Lisa J.

[email protected]