MyMemories Forum User - Lisa J.

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DAY FIVE 12/17/10 12/17/2010 05:17:42
DAY FOUR 12/16/2010 12/16/2010 07:10:24
DAY THREE 12/15/2010 12/15/2010 04:49:10
DAY TWO 12/14/2010 12/14/2010 04:42:54
12 Days of Christmas - and YOU get the gifts!! 12/13/2010 18:27:20
WELCOME to the MMS Forum! 12/07/2010 12:55:00


Post Topic Date Last Modified

Good morning!  Did everyone get their ONE photo for yesterday?  Well, if not – no worries… grab a photo today that will represent yesterday!  In a year, you won’t really remember you cheated a little! :-)  

Today, I wanted to share another GREAT resource for some ideas and inspiration – feel free to share any that you find as well – we are here to HELP EACH OTHER stay focused and on track.  

I just LOVE DPS (Digital Photography School) for their ideas and help in making my photos better, which then gives me better pages!  I love this new post on their site that is FULL of great ideas for this type of project. 

Check it out and see what you think!

… and remember, you don’t need to create your PAGES every day… maybe take an hour a week to review the photos you’ve taken that week and choose one for each day – or create a page for that week as a whole.  YOU decide, it’s YOUR project.  It’s only important to DO it!

Keep up the great work!  We CAN AND WE WILL do this!

Lisa J.

Project 365/52 - Great resource! 01/02/2011 07:42:31

Glad you are ALL here!

Lisa J.

WELCOME to the MMS Forum! 01/02/2011 07:37:06

Awesome!  Thanks for sharing them ALL!


Lisa J.

Sites for SVG files to use as Shapes/Masks 01/02/2011 07:36:33

Hi!  I am so sorry you have had trouble installing your software, we do really do all we can to help you have a positive experience with your software!  I host the Facebook page and check the forum to see if there is anything I can do to help.  Please make sure that any screen saver options you have are disabled and also any “power down” options are disabled, because this is a large download, you might get a hang-up if there is any interruption in the installation.  The tech support guys work VERY hard to make sure that you are able to use your product and I am sure they will get right back to you as soon as they are back in!

Please send me an email if you are still having trouble and I will do all I can to help you get going!

Again, I apologize for your inconvenience – I hate for that to be your first impression of our product!


Lisa J.

[email protected]

Tech Support? 01/02/2011 07:34:24

Sure Carolyn!  You CAN install any kit you like into your MMS program if you like.  Just keep in mind – that sometimes if you add a TON of outside stuff it can slow down your software a bit – but it’s a great option to keep everything in one place.

Here is a post I did on the blog a while back that goes through all the steps!! Remember you are adding files to your MMS program, so you will be going into the program files, not opening the program itself.  I have a folder I created that I call “Outside Content” and add all my outside goodies to that folder – so I know what came from where.  But that’s just how I do it you can sure customize the idea any way you like!

So, here you go!

Please let me know if you have ANY other questions – the reason I really wanted to have this forum is just for the reason you mentioned, stuff on Facebook goes back very quickly so this will be a place to more easily find answers!

Thanks for posting!

Lisa J.

Non MMS Kits 01/02/2011 07:29:57

Menda!  That’s a GREAT idea!  I love it!  Now we’re talking!


Lisa J.

Project 52 ~ *Ideas and Inspiration* 01/01/2011 19:38:14

Happy New Year my SUITE friends!!  It’s the start of a new year and the PERFECT time to take on a new project, right???  NO!  NO! NO! We’re tired and worn out from the busy holiday season!  The LAST thing we want to do is commit to a new project!  But… we DO want to renew our commitment to creating and preserving our family’s story, right?  We want to be able to remember the special events and the simple every day moments that will happen in the days to come.  When things settle down a bit we will be SO glad we started at the beginning, right?  I know it’s hard to even think about a BIG project, but if we break it down into tiny little bites, it’s really not too scary.  So… all we need to do THIS WEEK is commit to the idea.  The details are really the easy part.  There are ways to do this and not to let it overwhelm us.  If we stick together, encourage each other, cheer each other on – by the end of the year, we WILL have taken the journey successfully and helped our friends get there too.

So… today – I will share some ideas… some resources… some thoughts to help you get STARTED - we only have to do one day’s part today.  It will just take 5 minutes or less this week.. I promise.  So, what do you say… can you commit 5 minutes?  I know some of you have little babies, some of you have grandchildren, and some of you – like me – have INCREDIBLY busy teenagers.  But our common thread is that we are HERE together and we all WANT to make the memories we are creating into life long memories that we can preserve and share with those we love.

So… c’mon – let’s do it together!  WE CAN AND WE WILL WORK TOGETHER TO GET IT DONE! So… here we go!!


Project 52 – Week 1

Take ONE picture.  This week – THAT’S IT – you’re DONE.


  • It can be the “aftermath” of the Christmas tree…
  • It can be your living room all put back together (of which I would be SO jealous!)
  • It can be your favorite Christmas gift
  • It can be your new baby asleep in front of the tree
  • It can be your CAT or DOG asleep under the tree
  • It can be your husband sacked out after an afternoon of football games
  • It can be something that represents A NEW START to you
  • It can be an empty champagne bottle and a sink full of dirty dishes from a fun party last night
  • It can be one last picture of your kids in front of the tree
  • It can be an empty Christmas stocking
  • It can be a fresh snowfall
  • It can be the scale if you are starting a new diet
  • It can be a pack of cigarettes with a BIG RED CIRCLE embellishment over it if you are QUITTING
  • It can be ANYTHING you like

You don’t have to decide what the WHOLE project will be or turn into by December 31… you just have to take ONE picture.  That’s it.  Take it with your point and shoot, take it with your phone… drag out the “big camera” and the tripod and get the lighting perfect.  Do it however you want… just DO IT!

I even found a couple of websites that will help with daily photo inspiration for you if you need it.  I found one that is available through Twitter (and believe me – I HATE TWITTER) but I will get one text in the morning each day and one reminder in the evening with a photo idea for that day.  You can use it or tuck it away for later, but it is just a little tiny reminder to me to take a photo that day.  If you have a cell phone, you can even have that one Tweet forwarded to your phone.  (search for DAILYSHOOT on Twitter!/dailyshoot) and you can “follow” them too.  You can also Google different other sites that will do similar photo prompts or ideas.  We can share ideas with each other here too!  I will post some to Facebook for you too.  I think if I know you are all depending on me to help, it will help me stay on track too – and Lord KNOWS I am the worst at staying on track… so I need you too!

Here is the site I found the idea I posted the other day and it has some great layout ideas, but these are easily recreated in your My Memories Suite software, so you can do this with what you already have!

I just LOVE the IDEA – and that is all I needed for today – a good idea… a place to start.  This is the type of project that may go through several transformations during the course of this year.  But today I just need to COMMIT TO START and TAKE ONE LITTLE PHOTO.  That’s it – then we’re done for today.  Now, of course you can set up your template album (this is what my basic page looked like: but yours can look any way you want.  YOU DECIDE.  I am going to try to put these photo templates together for you and upload them to the Design Shop so you can have them.  I’ll keep you posted.

So… let’s see who’s up for it???  YOU CAN DO IT – I CAN DO IT – WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER!


Blessings and Love!

Lisa J.

Project 52 ~ *Ideas and Inspiration* 01/01/2011 18:47:37

Happy New Year my SUITE friends!!  It’s the start of a new year and the PERFECT time to take on a new project, right???  NO!  NO! NO! We’re tired and worn out from the busy holiday season!  The LAST thing we want to do is commit to a new project!  But… we DO want to renew our commitment to creating and preserving our family’s story, right?  We want to be able to remember the special events and the simple every day moments that will happen in the days to come.  When things settle down a bit we will be SO glad we started at the beginning, right?  I know it’s hard to even think about a BIG project, but if we break it down into tiny little bites, it’s really not too scary.  So… all we need to do TODAY is commit to the idea.  The details are really the easy part.  There are ways to do this and not to let it overwhelm us.  If we stick together, encourage each other, cheer each other on – by the end of the year, we WILL have taken the journey successfully and helped our friends get there too.

So… today – I will share some ideas… some resources… some thoughts to help you get STARTED – we only have to do one day’s part today.  It will just take 5 minutes or less today… I promise.  So, what do you say… can you commit 5 minutes?  I know some of you have little babies, some of you have grandchildren, and some of you – like me – have INCREDIBLY busy teenagers.  But our common thread is that we are HERE together and we all WANT to make the memories we are creating into life long memories that we can preserve and share with those we love.

So… c’mon – let’s do it together!  WE CAN AND WE WILL WORK TOGETHER TO GET IT DONE! So… here we go!!


Project 365 – Day 1

Take ONE picture.  Today – THAT’S IT – you’re DONE.


  • It can be the “aftermath” of the Christmas tree…
  • It can be your living room all put back together (of which I would be SO jealous!)
  • It can be your favorite Christmas gift
  • It can be your new baby asleep in front of the tree
  • It can be your CAT or DOG asleep under the tree
  • It can be your husband sacked out after an afternoon of football games
  • It can be something that represents A NEW START to you
  • It can be an empty champagne bottle and a sink full of dirty dishes from a fun party last night
  • It can be one last picture of your kids in front of the tree
  • It can be an empty Christmas stocking
  • It can be a fresh snowfall
  • It can be the scale if you are starting a new diet
  • It can be a pack of cigarettes with a BIG RED CIRCLE embellishment over it if you are QUITTING
  • It can be ANYTHING you like

You don’t have to decide what the WHOLE project will be or turn into by December 31… you just have to take ONE picture.  That’s it.  Take it with your point and shoot, take it with your phone… drag out the “big camera” and the tripod and get the lighting perfect.  Do it however you want… just DO IT!

I even found a couple of websites that will help with daily photo inspiration for you if you need it.  I found one that is available through Twitter (and believe me – I HATE TWITTER) but I will get one text in the morning each day and one reminder in the evening with a photo idea for that day.  You can use it or tuck it away for later, but it is just a little tiny reminder to me to take a photo that day.  If you have a cell phone, you can even have that one Tweet forwarded to your phone.  (search for DAILYSHOOT on Twitter!/dailyshoot) and you can “follow” them too.  You can also Google different other sites that will do similar photo prompts or ideas.  We can share ideas with each other here too!  I will post some to Facebook for you too.  I think if I know you are all depending on me to help, it will help me stay on track too – and Lord KNOWS I am the worst at staying on track… so I need you too!

Here is the site I found the idea I posted the other day and it has some great layout ideas, but these are easily recreated in your My Memories Suite software, so you can do this with what you already have!

I just LOVE the IDEA – and that is all I needed for today – a good idea… a place to start.  This is the type of project that may go through several transformations during the course of this year.  But today I just need to COMMIT TO START and TAKE ONE LITTLE PHOTO.  That’s it – then we’re done for today.  Now, of course you can set up your template album (this is what my basic page looked like: but yours can look any way you want.  YOU DECIDE.  I am going to try to put these photo templates together for you and upload them to the Design Shop so you can have them.  I’ll keep you posted.

So… let’s see who’s up for it???  YOU CAN DO IT – I CAN DO IT – WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER!


Blessings and Love!

Lisa J.

Project 365 ~ *Ideas and Inspiration** 01/01/2011 18:43:43

Good morning and a VERY Merry Christmas to each and every one of you!!  I would like to send one more Christmas present out this morning in time to open Christmas morning!  Our very LAST “12 Days of Christmas” giveaway winner is KIDCRAZE!!  It’s YOU!!  You can email me or have your friend email me if you are gifting it to her!  I will send the promo code you need to claim your/her prize!

Have a WONDERFUL DAY and enjoy this time with your family!!!!


Blessings, and CHRISTMAS hugs!!


Lisa J.

[email protected]

DAY TWELVE 12/24/2010 12/25/2010 06:39:36

Hi – if you are STRAWNFAM can you email me please?  You were chosen as the winner the other day and I don’t think I have heard from you!  Please email me if this is YOU!!!  (or if you know who this is – can you send them a note???)


Lisa J.

[email protected]

DAY TWELVE 12/24/2010 12/24/2010 12:53:07