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I would love to see my best friend Cassandra win the MMS2 software. 

Cassandra is an incredibly busy mom of 4 young kids.  Her life is hectic, but she’s the type of person that would always put aside her own stuff to help you out if you needed it, as she showed more than once in the last month since my first child was born.  She’s incredibly generous – even with their tight family budget as a family of 6 on one income, she adopted a local family in our town and made sure they had gifts for Christmas, and as for me, she supplied me with so much baby equipment and clothing, but has also always been available with something more valuable - her knowledge and advice has been so invaluable for a first time panicky mom.  She always goes the extra mile, when working she would often deal with clients after hours, taking phone calls and answering e-mails on her own time, without expecting to be paid extra for it.

I recently watched her struggle to try to put together a photo album of her youngest son’s first year with the little time she had, and thought that MMS would have been the perfect thing for her as it would allow her to quickly and easily gather her photos together them and journal them without having to expend a lot of time.  What a perfect gift it would be for her, and I know she’d love the software as much as I have!

DAY ELEVEN - 12/23/2010 12/23/2010 09:37:20

A hula hoop!

DAY FOUR 12/16/2010 12/16/2010 10:32:11

Boris Karloff

DAY THREE 12/15/2010 12/15/2010 10:37:04

guide my sleigh tonight

DAY TWO 12/14/2010 12/14/2010 10:04:12