MyMemories Forum User - Dzurm

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Burt Ives

DAY TWELVE 12/24/2010 12/24/2010 13:05:18

I would like to enter my sister – Brenda

Our father passed away in August.  He was into computers and photography ever since computers were so big that they filled up a room, as well as going everywhere with a camera in his hand.  I know Brenda does scrapbooking, but I would like to get her addicted to digital scrapbooking.  It would be something to share with her that would also be a part of Dad.  I’ve been using the software for just over a month now and LOVE it.  My first project was a calendar I made for my Grandmother for Christmas – who is 82.  It has pictures of her and my Grandfather along with all the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren’s birthdays on it.  It turned out great and was so much fun to make!  I gave it to her last weekend – and she loves it.  My next project will be a memory book for my Mother of Dad, but I don’t have the heart to start it yet. 

DAY ELEVEN - 12/23/2010 12/23/2010 15:17:51


DAY TEN 12/22/2010 12/22/2010 08:12:42

Natalie Wood

DAY NINE 12/21/2010 12/21/2010 08:01:22

Mmmm – needs sugar

DAY EIGHT 12/20/10 12/20/2010 07:41:44

You’ll shoot your eye out!  This is my hubby’s favorite movie of all time.  One of these years I’ll find him a leg lamp.

DAY SEVEN: 12/19/10 12/19/2010 10:43:11


DAY SIX: 12/18/10 12/18/2010 18:49:32

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner & Blitzen + Rudolph

DAY FIVE 12/17/10 12/17/2010 09:51:49

hula hoop

DAY FOUR 12/16/2010 12/16/2010 11:54:59

Boris Karloff

DAY THREE 12/15/2010 12/15/2010 10:57:10